


2022八省联考英语试卷及谜底理会,T8联考英语试题及谜底完整版 copyright ynyoujiao



copyright ynyoujiao


2022年八省联考(T8联考)英语试卷第一页 幼教网,育儿网







2022年八省联考(T8联考)英语试卷第五页 本文来亲子育儿网









2022年八省联考(T8联考)英语试卷第十页 本文来亲子育儿网

2022年八省联考(T8联考)英语试卷第十一页 copyright ynyoujiao

2022年八省联考(T8联考)英语试卷第十二页 内容来自ynyoujiao

2022年八省联考(T8联考)英语试卷第十三页 ynyoujiao.com



2022年八省联考(T8联考)英语试卷第十五页 copyright ynyoujiao





  1-5 BABCA    6-10 AACCB

  11-15 CACBA  16-20 BABAC


  21-23 DCB   24-27 DDAC

  28-31 CBAC   32-35 DDBB


  36-40 GEFCD


  41-45 CBADD   46-50 CBADB

  51-55 ADBCA


  56. including   57. valuable   58. satistied

  59. to let   60. during/in   61. that   62. an

  63. specifically   64. or   65. student's



  Dear George,

  I’m writing to ask for your help. copyright ynyoujiao

  I plan to participate in the English Poetry Recitation Contest which will be organized by our school. Contestants are required to choose a 500-word-or-so English poem written by a famous poet. However, I’ve had great trouble with the poetry selection and recitation, which bothers me a lot. Considering you are an expert on English literature, would you please recommend a suitable English poem to me and teach me some techniques for reciting poetry? If so, I’d be extremely grateful for your kindness.

  I’m eagerly anticipating receiving your reply as soon as possible.


  Li Hua




  Text 1

  M: Are you coming to the gym?

  W: No. I don’t feel like going today. I’ve been busy working the whole day, and really need a peaceful time at home.


  Text 2

  M: You should try this. My aunt made it.

  W: Hmm... delicious. What is it?

  M: It’s called couscous. It’s made from wheat. There’s some meat on top of it.

  Text 3

  M: I’m cooking beef with potatoes. Do you want some?

  W: No, thanks. I’m on a diet. I only eat vegetables and fruits.

  M: OK. There’re some grapes in the fridge. Help yourself.

  W: Thanks.

  Text 4

  M: Lisa, do you think we should get a new sofa?

  W: Oh, our sofa is a bit old, but perfectly usable. Right now we need a cupboard in the kitchen much more.

  Text 5

  W: Hey, Thomas. How was the movie last night?

  M: It was okay. Not exactly a top quality one, but still a welcome surprise. I would give it three stars out of four. 亲子育儿学习网

  Text 6

  M: We’d like a table for 4, please.

  W: Have you made a booking?

  M: No, we haven’t.

  W: I’m afraid there’ll be about a ten-to-fifteen minute wait.

  M: That’s OK. Oh, by the way, we prefer a table by the window.

  W: In that case, you’ll probably have to wait longer.

  M: It doesn’t matter.

  W: OK. I’ll call you when the table is ready. Your name, please?

  M: It’s Montague, M-o-n-t-a-g-u-e. Could we look at the menu while we are waiting?

  W: Certainly! Here you are.

  Text 7

  W: Good evening. What can I do for you?

  M: Hi, I’d like to make a reservation.

  W: All right. Is it just for you?

  M: No. I need a room for three.

  W: Would two-beds be OK? 亲子育儿学习网

  M: Yes, that would be fine.

  W: How long will you be staying with us?

  M: We’ll be staying for 4 nights, starting one week from today.

  W: OK. We have a room with two-queen-size beds and a kitchen.

  M: How much will it cost?

  W: $300 per night.

  M: Wow. That’s expensive. Do you have any rooms that cost less?

  W: Well. We have another room with no kitchen. $200 per night.

  M: That’s OK. I’ll take this one.

  W: OK. All done. I hope you enjoy your stay.

  M: Thanks.

  Text 8

  M: Ah, good morning, Susan Brown, isn’t it?

  W: Yes, good morning.

  M: Oh, I’m John Reeves. I manage the Sales Department here in Rusko International. You can call me John.

  W: OK, John.


  M: Have you already been shown around the company?

  W: Yes, I got here at 9:00 am, and Tara gave me a tour of the place.

  M: And what did you think?

  W: It’s a lot bigger than I thought it would be.

  M: Yes, a lot of people say that. Now we have over 50 people working here. Well, where did you hear about Rusko International?

  W: From my brother, Michael Brown. He worked for you a couple of years ago. And he always spoke well of you.

  M: Yes, I remember him. You’ll say hi to him from me, won’t you?

  W: OK, sure.

  Text 9

  W: Sam, I listened to a lecture last night at the art gallery. And the artist told us that we don’t need to be professional to give our home a new look.

  M: So did the artist say how to do it exactly? I’m about to decorate my house.

  W: Yes. I have noted down a few of the creative ways he talked about.


  M: I’d love to hear about them. For example, should I redesign the entrance to my home?

  W: Yeah, it’s important. And it’s the first thing people would see when they visit. It should reflect the design of the rest of your house. Depending on your budget, you might want to give your front door a fresh code of paint.

  M: Mm, I’ll consider that. Another thing is I have a big table in my dining room and no one ever sit that.

  W: Yeah. Some people never use their dining tables. So why hold onto them? Replace the big table with a smaller round table.

  M: That’s a good idea. The whole family will still be able to sit there and they won’t feel quite as polished.

  W: Yes, and all these creative ways can be finished on your own to suit your design style and personal taste.

  Text 10

  W: Many students ask me about how to understand and enjoy the experience of concert going. So today, I’d like to take some time to talk about it. First of all, a live concert is totally different from listening to recordings. In a live performance, what is performed, how it sounds and how the artist feels about the performance. These exist only a short moment and can never be repeated. As an audience responds to the excitement of such moments, feelings are exchanged between stage and hall. You have many kinds of concerts to choose from by many kinds of performing groups. Concerts by university performing groups are easily accessible, free or at a relatively low price and often of high quality. Announcements of such concerts will be found in the newspaper of our university. Performances outside the university are announced in local newspapers. These concerts tend to be more expensive but discount tickets are often available for students. Those tickets can usually be bought on the day or night of the concert. You have a wide choice if you buy them in advance at the box office or on the Internet. If possible, prepare for a concert by listening to some of the works to be performed and by reading about the musicians. 幼教网,育儿网



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本文标签:答案    试卷    试题    解析    2022    整版    英语    八省    联考    
